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Study and Design of Transmission Line for Agricultural Drainage located in Sajir in Dawadmi Governorate
Location of Project

Riyadh - Dawadmi


Saudi Irrigation Organization

Consultant Name

Fouad Al Saleh & Khaled Al Dhowalia Co. Environmental & Engineering Consultants

Contractor Name


Start Date


End Date


Amount of Project


About This Project+

An assessment of the agricultural drainage process in Sajir Governorate in Dawadmi, as well as finding environmental and engineering solutions to get rid of agricultural drainage water.

The project includes the following:

  • - Study to evaluate the current status of the agricultural drainage process in the area of Sajir in Dawadmi.
  • - Finding the necessary engineering and environmental solutions.
  • - Environmental and hydrological study to determine the potential impacts of construction of the project.
  • - Design of evaporation lake, which is estimated at an area of 7,000,000 m2.
  • - Design of transmission line for agricultural wastewater from pumping station to the lake, with an estimated length of 2 km.
  • - Design of pumping station necessary to pump water from the collection area to the lake.
  • - Providing operation and maintenance plans for the system’s facilities.
  • - Preparing bills of quantities and tender documents necessary for the project.
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